Sunday, May 19, 2013

Algebra Basics - Awesome Tips and Tricks!!


  1. miss hughes thank you a lot for putting this clip up it is now helping me with my learning and it is also helping me in my elgabra you are the best

  2. I have alwayes have stuggled with alegbera but i have always have faith in my self and i will always keep on trying

  3. I always tourght maths was all about numbers,subtracting,plusieurs,adding,multipluing,dividing

    1. I always tourght maths was all about number, subtruting, plusieurs, adding, multipluing, dividing

  4. we loved how it showed us the step's of working out the problem, it really helped us understand alot ,but we didn't enjoy it alot , mostly beacause we didn't feel conected to it and beacause we weren't temted to watch it it was just plain,we would love it if their would be more interesting and they showed more fun way's to solve it (etc.)
